Photo by Chris Ryan

Photo by Stacey Millett

Photo By Stacey Millett

Photo by Chris Ryan


3,876 Total Land Acres Preserved In
Ventura County

Photo of an estuary


500 Tons Of Trash Removed From The Ventura River


3,009 Total Students Completed Ventura Wild Program

“The Ventura Land Trust acknowledges that it is working to conserve the unceded ancestral lands of the Chumash Peoples. We pay respect to the Chumash Peoples past and present, honor their stewardship of this land throughout the  generations, and recognize that colonization has left a lasting negative impact on the land and the Chumash Peoples. We cherish the responsibility of stewarding the land we protect on behalf of our community, current and future, and its natural inhabitants. We embrace our responsibility to learn from and protect Chumash cultural and traditional connections to the land.”